
How to Backup Everything on Your iOS Device Without Jailbreaking?

When you connect your iOS device with iTunes, it sync and make a backup of your device but it doesn't even come close to backing up the device in its entirety. If you want a complete backup of your device, you can do it easily with an application called PhoneDisk.
Here's what you need to do:
  • Download and install Phone Disk.
  • Connect your iOS device to your computer and run Phone Disk. This will mount your iOS device like a drive.
  • In Phone Disk, open Preferences and rename your iOS device so it has a simple, one word name. That means no spaces and no special characters—just letters and numbers.
  • Make sure you have the latest version of rsync installed (if not, download it) and run the following command:          cd /volumes;/usr/local/bin/rsync -avv —protect-args 'iPhone'/ 'Macintosh HD'/Users/Home/Downloads/iphone_backup
Once you run the command successfully, rsync will create a copy of all the data on your iOS device and you'll have a complete backup.