Install Siri Dictation On iPhone 4, 3GS And iPod touch 4G through Siri0us

Since the iPhone 4S release, every hacker, have been trying to get Siri to run on other iDevices. Now some hackers have porting Siri on iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod touch 4G.

A new jailbreak introduced “Siri0us”, developed by Eric Day. Siri0us will bring the Nuance-powered dictation feature to iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS users.

Developer Eric Day explains his tweak as "Siri dictation for your iOS 5 devices. No iPhone 4S keys/files required."

Siri0us does not offer the functionality to:
  • set alarms
  • check weather forecasts
  • set reminders
  • check for nearby businesses etc
You can install Siri dictation on your iDevice by following the instructions given below.

You must have Jailbroken iDevice. To jailbreak iOS 5.0.1, Check out here. And then Go to Cydia > Mange >> Sources >>> Edit >>>> Add and put the following repo


       If the above repo didn’t work with you, add the following one


Search for Siri0us, install it on your iDevice and your are done .