Apple Released iOS 4.3.4 For iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad 2, 1, And iPod touch (Direct Download Links)

Apple released an update that fixes the security flaw in the operating system for all its devices. Other than the security update to fix the problem, there is no new features to iOS 4.3.4.

To update your iOS device, just plug it into your computer, run iTunes and follow the onscreen instructions.

The update is available for the GSM iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 2, iPad, and third- and fourth-generation iPod touch. Another firmware, iOS 4.2.9, is also available for the CDMA iPhone 4 for Verizon users.

Apple said "the new software addresses an invalid type conversion issue, which could allow malicious code running as the user to gain system privileges."

iOS 4.3.4 Direct Download LinksThese are direct download links for IPSW from Apple’s servers: