
How To Fix Ultrasn0w & Unlock On 4.3.1 Firmware?

DjayB6 has announced the release of Ultrasn0w Fixer 4.3.1 for iOS 4.3.1. Earlier he has released iOS 4.3.1 and iOS 4.3 PwnageTool bundles for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.

Using Ultrasn0w Fixer you can unlock iPhone 3GS on iOS 4.3.1. You have to install Ultrasn0w 1.2 on your jailbroken iPhone before installing Ultrasn0w Fixer.

Follow the steps:

How to Install Ultrasn0w Fixer on iOS 4.3.1

STEP 1. Launch Cydia on your iPhone

STEP 2. Now simply tap on Manage tab, then tap on Sources.

STEP 3. Now you have to tap on Edit button, the tap on Add button.

STEP 4. Now simply type http://djayb6.com/ as Cydia/APT URL and the tap on Add Source.

STEP 5. Now Cydia will download and update its repository list.

STEP 6. Now tap on Search tab, then type Ultrasn0w Fixer in the search field.

STEP 7. To install Ultrasn0w Fixer on your iPhone, simply tap on Install button.

That’s it. In this way you can unlock iPhone 3GS on iOS 4.3.1. Here is the video for helping you more.