XBMC Now Available for Jailbroken iPhone and iPad

XBMC has just been released on Cydia for jailbreaking iPhone and iPad users. That's right, the full version of XBMC—not just a streamer or transcoder—is available on your jailbroken iOS devices.

You can, of course, still stream movies from your computer or XBMC-based HTPC straight to your iOS device, albeit without transcoding—so at the moment 1080p playback is a little troublesome.

Recently we also tell you about how to install xbmc on atv2?. Now its time for iOS devices.

To install it, head into Cydia and go to Manage > Sources > Edit, and add http://mirrors.xbmc.org/apt/ios as a new source. You can then head to the teamXBMC repository and install the XBMC-iOS package.

XBMC is a free download for jailbroken iOS devices. You can Install XBMC on iPhone/iPad from here.
Check out the video:

