How to Get Books Into Your iPhone or iPad Without Using iTunes?

Good news for the users of iPhone, iPad or iPod touch that now they can get books into their iOS devices without having to download them first in your computer and synchronizing? It's very easy.

Just follow these steps:
  • Go to any site that publishes ePub-format books. Here's a very good source: ePubBooks.
  • Click on the book you want. Let's say Ligeia.
  • Now click on the Download ePub button. Or just click here!
  • Your iOS device would ask if you want to download it to your iBooks app. Just say yes and enjoy your new book.
This books everywhere, in any application. If someone sends you a book through email or Dropbox, you just have to click on it and be done without having to do any stupid USB synchronization (which I hope will become completely superfluous in iOS 5.0).