How to Upgrade Android 2.2.1 Darky's Custom ROM Gingerbread Edition on Samsung Galaxy S?

A big advantage of running a custom ROM on your Samsung Galaxy S is that ROM developers come out with updates MUCH more often than official updates from Samsung or your cellular provider.

Darky’s ROM is currently based on the newest Froyo 2.2.1 firmware. Darky’s Version 6.0 ROM was based on Froyo JPX firmware. Few days ago Darky released Version 7.0 of his popular ROM, based on the newer JPY firmware.

Once you already have a custom ROM installed, upgrading to a newer version of that ROM is a Piece of Cake. All you do is save the file, restart the phone, and click on the file. That’s pretty much all there is to it.

Just follow these 3 simple steps:
1. Download and copy the ROM to your internal SD card.
2. Reboot into ClockWorkMod Recovery (easy to do with the phone shut-down menu.)
3. Click on the ROM zip file to flash it, and then reboot the phone.

That's it.

Here is the video for help you more.