How to Convert your negatives and slides into digital photographs with the iConvert?

If you’ve a huge collection of negatives and you want to make the Digital Photographs from these negatives, then a solution is here. Called the iConvert, this useful gadget should be a must-have for all you folks with tones of negatives and are looking to go completely digital.

All you need to do is:
  • insert your slides or negatives into this machine
  • hit OK/SCAN, wait for a second
  • and your negatives are scanned (at 180 dpi) 
  • Then load in the next set of slides/negatives and repeat the process
The photographs are stored onto a regular SD card and the iConvert comes with a 2.4″ LCD screen for you to do your previewing on the device itself.

The iConvert is available at Brookstone for $99.95. Head here if you’re interested in purchasing the iConvert.