Palm promised HP webOS 2.0 would be available by the end of 2010

Palm did promise that HP webOS 2.0 will be out before the year is over, and with just two weeks of 2010 left to go, we're still waiting - albeit with a not-so-bated breath anymore. Perhaps when Palm finally delivers on their promise, all you need to do with the updated operatnig system would be to bring home a Pre 2 and you're good to go.

Of course, with still a handful of other Palm device owners out there, this might not be the most ideal solution since we're quite sure that they would prefer a free software update over purchasing a brand new handset.

According to a post on O2 Germany’s official Twitter account, webOS 2.0 won’t hit Palm devices on their network until the first quarter of next year, otherwise known as sometime between the beginning of January and the end of March 2011. O2 Germany’s Twitter timeline has always been remarkably frank about the state of Palm devices, so we’ll take them at their word, disappointing as it may be.